Dana has recently returned from her O.E in UK and we wanted to get her take on fashion and style..



Dana has studied fashion at the Windemere Bay of Plenty polytechnic. She has worked at Meccano menswear store and then went onto Wildpair.

At Wildpair she took on responsibilities like running styling meetings, opening new stores, merchandising, dressing shops, assisted on an overseas buying trip, then eventually took a role as Regional Manager.

She caught the travel bug and moved to London, where she lived for 2 years and ran a small organic soap stall right in the heart of Covent Garden.


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We met up with Dana before a festival for a chat & here’s what she had to say…

 1) After spending two years in the UK and Europe, do you notice any differences in fashion and style between there, and New Zealand?

“YES…fashion in the UK is way ahead of NZ.  

Most NZ fashion buyers will go to the UK for the upcoming season trends, so most of our looks have already been done in the UK. 

It’s much more diverse, people are not ‘afraid’ to express themselves freely through fashion. Whereas in NZ, trends tend to be more laid back & sheepish.

There aren’t as many people grabbing fashion by the balls in NZ.”


2) If you could put NZ vs UK style into two words, what would they be?

“UK fashion: Ballsy & Rocker aka DONT GIVE A F#*K

NZ fashion: Simple yet effective! …& Rocker (I think I’d be a rock style chick no matter where I lived). 

I definitely felt freer to express myself in London; people don’t look at you twice there because there are no limits! 

In NZ people tend to judge more because it’s not what they’re used to seeing, not the ‘norm’ but what’s f#*king normal?…. At the end of the day, it comes down to confidence and I f#*king love it when I see people oozing confidence and just wearing whatever they want.”


3) As festival season is in full swing, do you have any tips for an outfit or ‘must haves’ for going to a festival?

“I’m a massive fan of festivals and everything they stand for so here’s my advice… 

  1. “A FANNY PACK generally the ugliest most against fashion one I can find…being hands free and not having to worry about putting a bag down somewhere in a drunken state, is a must for me. Plus when I’m amongst the swarms of people I know my valuables are strapped to my waist.”
  2. “DR MARTEN BOOTS no explanation needed they’re just down right badass!”
  3. “Ditch the layers. They’re never fun whether its hot/ rainy or just dealing with a portaloo!”
  4. “Don’t care so much about the fashion and be there for the MUSIC & the PEOPLE!!!”


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Dana has recently returned from her O.E in UK and we wanted to get her take on fashion and style..

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